Dental Hygiene Tips for Kids

We can’t stress enough how important promoting good dental hygiene from an early age is and since February is Children’s Dental Health Month, it’s the perfect time to share some of our favourite tips on how to encourage your family to properly care for their teeth!


Lead by Example

Model good dental hygiene and your kids will pick up good habits from you! Brush and floss along with your kids- this will help normalize the process and they will be less likely to have any resistance.

Make it Fun

Believe it or not, there are lots of ways to make caring for your teeth fun!
- Let your kids pick out their own toothbrush/toothpaste. If seeing characters like Elsa or Paw Patrol on their toothbrush gets them excited to brush, that’s a win!
- Use stories to teach them lessons on the importance of dental care. There are books, online videos and even apps available that could be valuable!
- Choose a tooth brushing song to promote brushing for the proper amount of time.
- Create some type of reward system for regular brushing and flossing! Just try to avoid sugary treats as their incentive.

Be Consistent

Following a routine is the best way to develop long-lasting habits that will eventually become second nature! This will also help set the tone that even if life gets busy, oral hygiene is always a priority.

Promote a Healthy Diet

Ensure that your kids eat a healthy diet and try to limit sugar intake. Avoid a lot of soda, fruit juice, or sweetened drinks. This will help prevent future tooth decay.

Schedule Regular Check-Ups

If you start early, your kids will be less likely to develop any fear of visiting the clinic or having their teeth cleaned! Having an enthusiastic attitude about dental hygiene appointments will also help keep any dental anxieties from developing.


Children’s Dental Health Month is a great opportunity for you to discuss the benefits of good oral health with your kids, but it takes consistency to develop good dental health habits! If your kids are due for an oral assessment, contact us to schedule an appointment. There's no right age to start coming in, but we like to say the best time is as soon as they start getting teeth!

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