Love Your Teeth: The Hygienic Effects of Valentine's Day Candy

Whether it be dessert after a romantic dinner, treats with friends, or a box of chocolates to accompany some quality time with yourself, we’ll all be enjoying some sugary treats this month. Now, we want you to enjoy what you eat and feel comfortable indulging a little, but it’s important to be aware of what comes along with Valentine’s Day candy when it comes to your oral health. 

The Good
Contrary to popular belief, dental hygienists do not hate candy and sweets! Actually, we love them just as much as you do. Sugar can give you brain boosts, chocolate contains serotonin and phenylethylamine, which improves mood, and overall they bring joy!

The Bad
Unfortunately, not all good things in life come without consequences. If not taken care of properly, your teeth could be permanently damaged from enjoying treats. Bacteria digest sugars in the mouth, creating acidity, which can eventually lead to tooth decay. You also become at higher risk of cavities and deeper infections. Even if your teeth feel clean, sugar-digesting bacteria could still be hanging around. Do not be afraid though! All of this is quite easily preventable.

The Tips

The easiest way to maintain good oral health regardless of your intake is regular brushing and flossing. The quicker you’re able to brush after sugar intake, the better. Reducing the amount of sugar you are eating is also beneficial, so focus on savouring your treats! One of our favourite tips is drinking water with sweets so some of the sugar is washed away as you eat. 

One of the most important things you can do, in addition to a robust oral health routine, is prioritizing regular cleanings. It’s essential to ensuring your oral health is in top condition. With Baseline, you can book two or more cleanings a year, because our costs are 30-50% less than dentists’ offices. We value you and your health! You can book online to see our next availability, or call us at 780-570-4447 to book in advance or see if there are cancellation slots that you can take. Happy Valentine’s month!! We hope to see you soon.